Thursday, May 18, 2006

Episode VI: Return of the Headache

Since I made my last post chronicaling my triumph over the evil flash drive, the machines seem to have convened and decided to attack. In the the last few hours, Tesla (my PIII desktop) has restarted twice. I know this because despite being over a meter from him, and the moniter being turned off, I can still hear the distinctive beep of the BIOS posting. Tesla has decided that it's a fun game to restart when with no input, and no programs running.

If that wasn't bad enough, not a half hour ago I tripped a 15 amp fuse in my apartment. Now, I regularly host LAN parties at my apartment, and I've had a load no smaller than 4 laptops larger on this circuit than what was going just now. There is absolutely no reason that this should have happened on such a (relatively) small load. But it did, darkening the entire apartment. Thankfully a quick reset fixed the problem; not that that'd be the end of my problems.

Very carefully planned by my computers, (I swear that at night, they are learning without me, and then using this new knowledge to plot) all the clocks in the apartment were set back to 12:00. They know how much I hate resetting the clocks, mainly because I'm a little (ok, hugely) anal and I refuse to set them to anything but the exact correct time, to within less than a second of error. See, this was their plan all along.

Further more, this power outage managed to cause the light bulb in one of my lava lamps to burn out (despite the lava lamp being plugged into not one, but two surge protectors.) So now I'm going to have to replace that as well. Do you see what they are doing to me?

I'm still not sure how I'll sleep tonight, knowing that they are out there, sitting on my desk, still plotting, still seeking retribution against my enslaving will. I'd unplug the router, but I don't think that'd stop them; it would just make them angrier.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, these problems are obviously the result of terrorism. The only way you can escape them is to vote Republicans unlimited power!

5/22/2006 9:42 AM  

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